Thursday, 31 May 2018

how to ride i horse


How to ride a horse

Identifying Statement

You need a horse,gumboots,top and pants.

Explanation Sequence

To ride horse You need a saddle Shoes ,top and long pant
 Go to the Beach,do Canters You will love it.
you can do it at your home,padiet,and farm.
i pott  2 links on the bollow.
Summary Statement

It  is rile fun

Why Horses Kick

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

How to ride a bike

 How to ride a bike

You can lucn how to read i bike on hear

A bike is like you can read it
Before you go you need  a Helmet i Helmet is to keep you safe
It  is not ok to be reading your bike without a Helmet.

You need  a Helmet
Safety vest .
Do not ride your bike wiss a dress on .
Top and pants
on your bike

When you 5 or 7you to get rid of your training wheels  on your bike

Friday, 18 May 2018

not invited

               sorry you are not invited

                                    To [             ]
                     you are not invited my
                           Unbirthday birthday

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

read to self or someone

         I will be  showing you do what Daily 5 is .

               Daily 5 is read to self or someone
                       . Epic! - Books for Kids 2-12 year olds


Why I love Mum

Why I love Mum

I love you Mum because you are funny.

You Make me laugh when i jump of my Bunk bed.

I like it when you Try to make my bed.

You are really good at Making pancakes .

My favourite meal you cook is Mac and cheese .

You are silly when you Try to make my bunk bed .

We have lots of fun together when We go shopping

                      By Bella

Monday, 7 May 2018

Sunday, 6 May 2018

4 May
This is my teacher dressed up
In yellow because he is a Gold
Digger. You rock the suit Mr

4 May 2018

Today we dressed up in our house colours because it was House Sports. I am a Gold Digger so I had to
wear yellow. We played fun games like hide and seek in the forest, horse stadium, line tag and relay races.
It was a lot of fun and even the sun was out.

Ruma Piwakawaka.

Term 1 Ruma Piwakawaka. This summer we have done lots of learning .We have been learning fractions in maths, reading lots of books on epic and I have been getting ready to write my first blog. Cybersmart learning is on Wednesday with Mrs Minehan and I am enjoying learning on my chromebook.