Tuesday 18 December 2018

5 tips to stay safe online

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bella

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey for the 2018 summer. My name is Allie and I am the cluster manager for Toki Pounamu. I will be commenting on your blog over the summer.

    You have made an awesome start to the programme. I love that you have used colour with your presentation of this activity. It looks great.
    You have 5 very good tips for keeping yourself safe when you are online.
    You would be awesome teaching others all about this as you have covered so much in detail here.

    I really like that you have put to be thoughtful, helpful and kind. This is so important especially to be kind to everyone. Well done Bella I can see that you are a very caring person and I really like that. You are awesome!

    Good work and I look forward to reading what you do next.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.