Thursday 9 January 2020

SLJ week 2 day 2 #1


  1. Hi Bella

    This is really outstanding ! Not only is the presentation of this one awesome but also what you have written.
    You have been very creative here. It actually looks like he could have written this in an actual diary.
    Is this your writing? It looks really good? You are very neat too!

    I like that you talk about him studying and having access to the library in the prison. It shows that even though he was in a bad situation he made very good use of his time being able to better himself with more education.

    Great work Bella!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie.
      I found a picture of a diary that I thought he might have written in and then I added a text box and used the font "Nothing You Could Do' because it looked like real writing. It was a bit lucky that it fitted into the lines sometimes. I am not really that neat with my writing!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.