Monday 23 December 2019

SLJ week 1 #1 day 3

If I could have superpowers they would be:

1. SUPER SPEED so I get to school early when I sleep in.

2. INVISIBILITY so I can get snacks out of the pantry without being seen.

3. STRETCHYNESS so I don't have to ever get off the couch to reach things.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning!

    Nice one Bella! You have thought of some really cool superpowers! I really like the reasons you gave for each of them.

    Superspeed would be so helpful! Imagine being able to leave home a few minutes before school starts and still arrive on time! That would be so cool.

    Invisibility would also be such a cool superpower! When you get the snack from the pantry would it turn invisible too? Otherwise if there were just snacks floating along people might realise it was you! Have you got a solution to this?

    I would love to be able to sit on the couch and stretch my arm out to get some popcorn! What would you want to grab with your stretchy superpower?

    Well done on this one.
    Matilda :)


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