Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ Week 1 Day 1 #2


My Dad’s family came from Ireland to New Zealand.

My Mum’s family came from Australia.

  I am a  kangaiwi or a kiwiroo .


  1. Kia Ora Bella!

    Nice work on this post! I love how you included pictures To help show where your family is from! I really love learning about people's family history. Thank you for sharing yours!

    I also have family from Ireland and Australia. Do some of your family still live over there? Or have they moved to New Zealand too?

    I have never heard of a Kangaiwi or Kiwiroo before! Did you make that up? It is very clever! I am also a Kiwiroo. I really love how you have taken extra time to include this! Well done :)

    I would love to hear more about your culture! Part of my culture is spending a lot of time with friends and family. My family does this by having a bbq. Does your family do anything like this?

    Keep going with these awesome posts!

    Matilda :)

    1. We don't often do bbq's because it can be quite wet here, but we always have family popping in to see us. My mum, my aunty,uncle and my 2 cousins still live in Australia. How cool that you are a kiwiroo like me.

    2. Morning Bella,

      It's nice that your family stop by to see you! I always think it is so special when my family come over to visit.

      I also have aunties, uncles, and cousins still living in Australia.

      I think being a kiwiroo is awesome! What about you?

      Matilda :)


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